Hope you're having a blast . . .
Thanks for visiting this web site. Creating it is my penance for missing the 2010 reunion. Do you have comments? This project is in its infancy, so now is a good time to submit ideas, information, photos (whoops, you'll have to email those because I don't think you can put pictures in the comments box), reminiscences, whatever.
At some point, I'll try to figure out how to create a forum page, where everyone can post comments and have them appear instantly for everyone to see. For now though, filling out the form below will generate an automatic email to me. So use it to provide information that I can then add to one of the various pages for everyone to share. Be patient - I'll keep up as best I can.
A word about privacy: I won't post email or physical addresses, phone numbers and such like received through the web site, although I will assume information can be shared privately with other Ghosts unless you ask me not to. By all means, if you see information, gossip, photos, stories or anything else that you would rather not be public, let me know. If you send photos, I'll assume that you intend for them to be published on the website and that you are giving permission, or have obtained any copyright owner's permission, to use them for that purpose.
By the way, the picture is me on a bad hair day (aren't they all at this age?), visiting the White House in March, 2010 with my two dogs, Cleo (left) and Augie Doggy. There's a story to tell here that I will eventually get around to telling.
/s/ Glen Maynard ('66)