Welcome, Ghosts !
Though over 50 years have passed since the last graduating class at East Washington High School received their diplomas and stepped into the real world, the school's spirit lives on in its alumni, and, as this is written, the Class of 1966 is getting ready to host Reunion 2016. For more information about that event, click here. In the meantime, photos of the East Washington High School 2010 all-class reunion are on the Reunion 2010 and Class Pictures pages.
This site was created in connection with the 2010 Reunion, and has languished since then, but it's still here and waiting anytime someone wants to visit or add content. Send your photos, stories, biographies and comments. They'll be posted here for everyone to see. For short news and information, use the "Feedback" button at the left side of this page. It will generate an email to the webmaster. Try it. Photos can be emailed to info@eastwashingtonhighschool.net.
Also, please send suggestions for additions to the web site. And send lots of pictures too, for those who can't/couldn't attend the 2016 Reunion in person.
If you click on "Blogs and Feeds" over on the left side of this page, you'll see a "feed" with a bit of the latest blog on the East Washington High School wordpress page. Click on the feed to read the blogs. It would be FANTASTIC if people posted their own individual stories, comments, reminiscences, etc. in the blog. If you're comfortable publishing your own blog entry, use the "Feedback" button on this page to request administrator credentials and passwords. Or just write your story in an email and send it to info@eastwashingtonhighschool.net to have it converted to a blog entry and posted.