Britt Dahl, Mary Davidson, Joe Murdoch, Nancy McCarrell Proudfit (1963)Reunion 2010: Britt Dahl, Mary Davidson, Joe Murdoch, Nancy McCarrell Proudfit (1963)

Eavid Eld, Russ Wylie, Tom Painter, Dan Dunn 1947Reunion 2010: Dave Eld, Russ Wylie, Tom Painter, Dan Dunn (1947) - Photo by Dan Dunn

Bob Wharton '55 & Marilyn Coen McIlvaine '54Reunion 2010: Bob Wharton '55 & Marilyn Coen McIlvaine '54 - Photo by Martha Johnson Moore '53

Bill Ferrell ('65), Sue Barr '64 & Dee Dee Barnhart '64Reunion 2010: Bill Ferrell '65, Sue Barr '64 & Dee Dee Barnhart '64" - photo by Kathy (Andrews) Stevens '64

Mike, Scott and SusanReunion 2010: Mike Madvay, Scott Marriner and Susan Johnston - Photo y David Ream

Besty, Mike, Amy, KarenReunion 2010: Betsy, Mike, Amy, Sibyl, Karen & balloon - Photo by David Ream

September 4, 2010

More than 340 attendees shared memories and plans at the 2010 all-class reunion. Here are the first photos. I'll straighten out the layout later. Click on the pictures for a larger view. Thanks to everyone who has sent photos so far. I'm gradually working through them, so if you don't see your photos here keep checking back. And, send more, if you have them.

Addendum to above: I have received more photos, and simply haven't been able to keep up with captioning all of them. In some cases, I have the information for captions - in others I still need some help with names. But since I know people would like to see the photos, even if I haven't had time to caption everything, I've added many of them to the site anyway. This page must already be a nightmare for anyone visiting with a dial-up connection, so I put the latest batch on a new page. To go there, click here.

Joe, Alan and BudReunion 2010: Joe, Alan and Bud - photo by Sibyl (Sharp) Ream '66

Jake Mozina '52Reunion 2010: Jake Mozina '52' - photo by Martha Johnson Moore '53

Karen (Vaira) HobsonReunion 2010: Karen (Vaira) Hobson) - photo by Sibyl (Sharp) Ream '66

Bob and Joyce Bruno and Joe LaneReunion 2010: Joyce/Bob Bruno and Joe Lane - photo by Sibyl (Sharp) Ream '66

Betsy McKnight '66 and Jon Stevens '65Reunion 2010: Betsy McKnight '66 and Jon Stevens '65

Jarol and JanieReunion 2010: Jarol (Groethe) DeVoge '66 and Jane (Allison) Rainey '66 - photo by Sibyl (Sharp) Ream '66

Pam Siegel, Peggy Campbell, Betsy (McCarrell) Crumrine, Rick Rackley, Sherry WalkerReunion 2010: Pam Siegel '65, Peggy Campbell '65, Betsy (McCarrell) Crumrine '65, Rick Rackley '65 & Sherry Walker '65' - photo by Kathy (Andrews) Stevens '64

Bonnie Wiggins, Marlen Beatty, Margo Rackley and Kathy WellerReunion 2010: Bonnie Wiggins, Marlen Beatty, Margo Rackley & Kathy Weller - photo by Kathy (Andrews) Stevens '64

Sherry, Amy and KarenReunion 2010: Sherry, Amy and Karen (with Janie (Allison) Rainey over Sherry's right shoulder) - photo by Sibyl (Sharp) Ream '66