Mrs. Camilla Braden
Reunion 2007: Mrs. Camilla Braden - photo provided by Sibyl Sharp Ream '66

Mrs. Camilla Braden
Reunion 2007: Mrs. Swaney - photo provided by Sibyl Sharp Ream '66

EWHS Teachers - News and Reiminiscences

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Mrs. Camilla Braden
East Washington High School Faculty - 1942. Back row: Andy Knestrick (Math), Arlton Grover (PE - Basketball Coach), Edward Westlake (Principal) Paul Varner, (Industrial Arts), Reed Dunn (Science). Front row: Virginia Weaver (French & English), Alice Usher (Latin & English), Elizabeth Booz (Social Studies & Latin), Frances Garver (Music & Art), Eleanor Mehaffey (Home Ec), and Elizabeth Meermans (English & Phys Ed)- Photo provided by Jerry Grover '50 (her father was the basketball coach from 1932 - 1950).