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On October 15, Jeff Hilb '64 wrote, "Sorry I couldn't get there this year. Congrats to all, esp. the class of '64. We all may be getting older (not old), but let's try for another one in a few years."
When everyone said, "We should get together more often," Ellen Hazlett Danich '56 decided to organize a cruise for East Washington alumni. It will leave New York on September 17, 2011. Click here to see the brochure. Sure would beat cruising Eat 'N Park.
On September 25, 2010, Susie Riggle Raupp wrote: "Hard to explain but I had the absolutely most fantastic time at the reunion. I have no family left in Washington but I felt so welcomed by classmates especially those who still live in Washington and it was just a great time to remember!"
Reunion 2010 was the subject of Jon Stevens' '65 column in the Washington Observer-Reporter on September 12, 2010. Click here to read the column.
On September 14, 2010, Mariruth Reed Cotter wrote: "Thanks to everyone who attended the 2010 reunion. Betsy and I agreed to do this together and made a list of what we wanted to accomplish and we feel we were able to do all of it. We hope that everyone had a good time and enjoyed the Spring House hospitality. They exceeded our expectations. We wanted an informal, comfortable atmosphere where everyone could talk and catch up on other ghosts. Thanks for taking the time to come. Stay healthy."
On September 8, 2010, Karol Smith wrote: "We are sorry we were not able to attend the reunion held this past weekend. I saw Sybil Sharp Ream today and she said it was a great reunion. I am writing this on behalf of my husband, Richard. He loved teaching at EW. The students were terrific as well as their parents. Thanks for remembering him with your invitation. Karol Smith
On Sept. 6, 2010, Elizabeth Haning Sorenson wrote: 'So sorry I missed this chance to catch up with the class of '66 and others. Great to see these pictures -- eager to see others. I didn't go to EWHS -- left after 8th grade -- but this group of friends was a huge part of my life. Great to get reconnected in this way. Good job on the site. Hi to all. E'
On September 5, 2010, Betsy (Dickson) McKnight wrote: "ALERT!!! Betsy is officially burnt out." The next day, she wrote: "REUNION 2010--The food catered by the Springhouse was delicious. It was really nice being able to have all classes in the same room. Lots of memories were shared. CONGRATULATIONS! to the Class of '65 which won the prize for the most outstanding table decoration with its tablecloth laminated with class pictures and memorabilia, topped with the replica of the EWHS building. Those no longer with us were sadly missed. It was sobering to see our numbers dwindling. GO GHOSTS!!!, or whatever it is we do at our age."
On September 6, 2010, Betsy (Dickson) McKnight reported that approximately 340 alumni attended the all-school reunion on September 4, 2010.
Through Septbember 20, 2010, 120 different people from 24 states have visited the web site, and it is beginning to turn up in Google Search results. A few more people have intrepidly sent their comments and news through the "Feedback" form. C'mon, gimmie an F - E - E -D - B - A - C - K ! Go, Ghosts.